364 research outputs found

    Reflexiones sobre los BIC conjuntos históricos: la Sierra de Cádiz

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    El urbanismo desde una perspectiva de género : ¿es posible?

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    Aunque es una realidad que en la universidad de hoy, al menos el 50% o más de la población estudiantil son mujeres, no lo son en la misma proporción sus docentes. En determinadas áreas de conocimiento, sobre todo en las ramas de Ingeniería y Arquitectura, la proporción es mucho menor. En concreto en Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio, no existe aún ninguna mujer catedrática de universidad en España, y las profesoras titulares apenas llegan al 10%. La ciudad que tenemos ha sido proyectada desde una perspectiva concreta, los recorridos, los equipamientos (guarderías, colegios, centros de salud…) los espacios libres, están situados conforme a criterios que solo son asumidos por una parte de la sociedad que no siempre es la que más los usa. Esto lleva siendo así muchos siglos, pero creemos que está en nuestras manos cambiarlos, al menos algunas llevamos ya algunos años trabajando e investigando en esa dirección

    Permanence, adaptation or reuse: transformations in the convents of the city of Seville

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    The rich history of the city of Seville has provided it a wide architectural heritage, which is necessary to preserve. In the early twentieth century, Spain began to express concern about the preservation of its historical legacy, trying to protect historical and artistic monuments. However, it was not until the arrival of the democratic political system that this awareness of preservation took true precedence over other matters. In this temporal context, the young Andalusian Government was looking for definitive venues for the new institutions, with the target of the upcoming Universal Exhibition of Seville in 1992. The recognized architect Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra was commissioned to study a range of buildings in the city susceptible of hosting new uses, published in the book "Cien Edificios de Sevilla, susceptibles de reutilización para usos institucionales". This work has become a reference catalogue of Sevillian-built heritage. Looking at the one hundred (100) buildings studied there, all of a certain scale in the city, 18 are convents or exconvents. This paper will try to find out the destiny of these buildings themselves as monastic heritage, but also in relationship to other types of heritages

    Turismo en las ciudades históricas: la ciudad sostenible

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    El artículo aborda desde una perspectiva urbanística,la falta de relación entre los procesos urbanos con-temporáneos y la conservación del patrimonio urba-no y territorial. Se pone de manifiesto el derrochede recursos que consume la sociedad más desarro-llada, y la escasez de instrumentos teóricos, técnicosy legislativos de aplicación real para evitarlos

    A glimpse at impacts and resilience in the Parish of Cernache do Bonjardim, Portugal

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    The object of study here is the parish of Cernache do Bonjardim in central Portugal and in accordance with the territorial boundaries in effect until 2013. The motivation for producing this article is that the results of the 2021 census are due for publication and may enable the building of relationships between these data and the resilience of the community in this parish. Based on the resilience of rural communities' concept, and through analysis of statistical data, we aim to understand how the variations in population and accommodation influence the different parameters of community resilience. The relevance of this work derives from its object of study and the actuality of the data. The starting data are those provided by the national institutions for the last three censuses. As there were administrative changes and impacts on the community in the last decade, there was the need to process the data to be able to analyse the studied parish in isolation. The findings demonstrate how the negative trends have continued over the last two decades, exacerbating the problems of desertification and population ageing. Therefore, the problems affecting the resilience of this community have also remained the same. As expected, the community of the parish studied proved to be resilient, despite all the setbacks and impacts suffered, as reflected in the various works developed both on this topic and on this community.R+D+i projects of the PAIDI 2020, PYC20 RE 029 IAPHinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Una aproximación a los impactos y la resiliencia en la feligresía de Cernache do Bonjardim, Portugal

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    L'objecte d'estudi d'aquest treball és la feligresia de Cernache do Bonjardim, situada en el centre de Portugal i segons els límits territorials definits fins a 2013. La motivació per a la realització d'aquest article es deu al fet que els resultats dels censos de 2021 estan començant a sortir i és possible construir relacions entre aquestes dades i la resiliència de la comunitat d'aquesta feligresia. Partint del concepte de resiliència de les comunitats rurals, i a través de l'anàlisi de les dades estadístiques, es pretén comprendre com influeix la variació de població i allotjament en els diferents paràmetres de la resiliència comunitària. La novetat d'aquest treball és l'objecte d'estudi i l'actualitat de les dades obtingudes. Les dades de partida són els proporcionats per les institucions nacionals per als últims tres censos. Com va haver-hi canvis administratius i la comunitat va sofrir impactes en l'última dècada, va haver-hi la necessitat de treballar les dades per a poder-se analitzar la feligresia estudiada presa aïlladament. Aquest treball mostra que les tendències han continuat durant les últimes dues dècades, la qual cosa ha exacerbat el problema de la desertificació i l'envelliment de la població. Per tant, els problemes que afecten la resiliència d'aquesta comunitat també s'han mantingut. Com era d'esperar, la comunitat de la feligresia estudiada va demostrar ser resilient, malgrat tots els contratemps i impactes que va sofrir, com ho demostren els diversos treballs que s'han desenvolupat sobre aquest tema i sobre aquesta comunitat.The object of study here is the parish of Cernache do Bonjardim in central Portugal and in accordance with the territorial boundaries in effect until 2013. The motivation for producing this article is that the results of the 2021 census are due for publication and may enable the building of relationships between these data and the resilience of the community in this parish. Based on the resilience of rural communities’ concept, and through analysis of statistical data, we aim to understand how the variations in population and accommodation influence the different parameters of community resilience. The relevance of this work derives from its object of study and the actuality of the data. The starting data are those provided by the national institutions for the last three censuses. As there were administrative changes and impacts on the community in the last decade, there was the need to process the data to be able to analyse the studied parish in isolation. The findings demonstrate how the negative trends have continued over the last two decades, exacerbating the problems of desertification and population ageing. Therefore, the problems affecting the resilience of this community have also remained the same. As expected, the community of the parish studied proved to be resilient, despite all the setbacks and impacts suffered, as reflected in the various works developed both on this topic and on this community.El objeto de estudio de este trabajo es la feligresía de Cernache do Bonjardim, ubicada en el centro de Portugal y según los límites territoriales definidos hasta 2013. La motivación para la realización de este artículo se debe a que los resultados de los censos de 2021 están comenzando a salir y es posible construir relaciones entre estos datos y la resiliencia de la comunidad de esta feligresía. Partiendo del concepto de resiliencia de las comunidades rurales, y a través del análisis de los datos estadísticos, se pretende comprender cómo influye la variación de población y alojamiento en los diferentes parámetros de la resiliencia comunitaria. La novedad de este trabajo es el objeto de estudio y la actualidad de los datos obtenidos. Los datos de partida son los proporcionados por las instituciones nacionales para los últimos tres censos. Como hubo cambios administrativos y la comunidad sufrió impactos en la última década, hubo la necesidad de trabajar los datos para poderse analizar la feligresía estudiada tomada aisladamente. Este trabajo muestra que las tendencias han continuado durante las últimas dos décadas, lo que ha exacerbado el problema de la desertificación y el envejecimiento de la población. Por lo tanto, los problemas que afectan la resiliencia de esta comunidad también se han mantenido. Como era de esperar, la comunidad de la feligresía estudiada demostró ser resiliente, a pesar de todos los contratiempos e impactos que sufrió, como lo demuestran los diversos trabajos que se han desarrollado sobre este tema y sobre esta comunidad.Peer Reviewe

    Characterization and territorial distribution of religious heritage in the parish of Cernache do Bonjardim, Central Portugal

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    Since Portugal is a mainly Catholic country, there are several testimonies of the practice of this religion and the faith of the people. In the parish of Cernache do Bonjardim, Central Portugal, birthplace of Sao Nuno de Santa Maria (canonized on April 26, 2009), there are several types of buildings related to religion, such as churches, chapels, field crosses and built sets. The number of churches and chapels is impressive: 18 religious buildings exist in a territory with about 7000 Ha and 3000 inhabitants (Census 2011). These buildings dated from different periods, have different characteristics and, within the same category, interesting differences can also be found. The main objectives of this article are to characterize and analyse the current situation of this heritage and its dissemination, enhancement and subsequent protection. The methods used were based on bibliographic, iconographic, photographic, cartographic, webgraphic research, in situ surveys and interaction with local residents. The approach comprises the survey of the religious heritage mentioned above, subsequent cataloguing and analysis regarding the orientation chosen for its construction, its age and its geographic distribution. With this analysis it is possible to group the elements into categories that facilitate their characterization. One of the main limitations of the investigation was the lack of documents and registrations about the described elements, which is partly due to the fire of 1917, in the City Hall, which destroyed all existing documents, and partly due to the disappearance of some of those elements and the subsequent reuse and relocation of the materials that made them up, making it difficult to recognize them, as well as the geographical and temporal location of their construction. The main conclusions are that most of the churches and chapels, against all expectations, do not respect the traditional canonical orientation and, that the majority of them was built in the 20th century and (probably) in the 17th century. Although distributed uniformly throughout the territory of the parish, the religious heritage is mostly found in the village of Cernache do Bonjardim and in the area of Serra da Santa, the highest point in this territory (475 m). This work does not intend to influence even more the attitudes of the population because they already value, appreciate and care for this heritage. However, the point of view presented in this article is different from the usual one and may open a new way of looking at this heritage. The originality of this work is that this type of heritage has not yet been approached in the territory under study. The article contributes to another study about this parish. As future developments, an analysis of the relationship between the dominant terrain orientations and the location of these patrimonial elements is suggested in order to be able to estimate more relationships that may exist.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Monastic Buildings: A Review About New Uses on Former Monasteries. The Portuguese Cistercian Case

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    3er Simposio Mundial Multidisciplinario de Ingeniería Civil, Arquitectura y Urbanismo (WMCAUS 2018): 18-22 de junio de 2018, Praga, República ChecaThis paper aims to present a review contribution to the history of the reform and renewal in the Portuguese Cistercian monasteries, throughout nine centuries of cultural and architectural history, but focusing on the new uses on former monasteries. The monastic Orders had a vital importance, both temporal and spatial, in the development of the urban fabric of cities. It must be considered that the transformation and development of the territory have been responsible for isolated buildings and settlements which have gradually been absorbed by the expansion of the urban fabric. The Cistercian Order played a remarkable role in the affirmation of Portugal (1143) and had an unquestionable position, since the medieval period, in the construction of a significant part of the Portuguese culture. The first Cistercian monasteries appeared in Portugal, in the 12th century, far from the urban context. Portuguese Cistercian monasteries became worthy examples of the European Cistercian architecture, although, over the time, they have been adapted, enlarged and transformed according to the styles of each epoch. The disappearance of the religious Orders, in 1834, and the successive owners adapted the monastic buildings to new uses. The monasteries have provided the contemporary city, especially from the 19th and 20th centuries, with expectant spaces or new fields of experimentation as diverse as rehabilitation, reuse, renovation and conversion. These are new spaces which adapt to new situations and new uses, thus updating themselves, so that the values of the present can be included and integrated into its history. Therefore, this paper aims to discuss, in which way the ideals and the realities of these monastic buildings and related urban spaces are divergent, but also a factor of city growth and cultural development.FEDER 007528FCT/MEC – Foundation for Science and Technology UID/HIS/00057/2013 POCI-01-0145-FEDER-00770

    The urban heritage characterization using 3D geographic information systems. The system of medium-sized cities in Andalusia

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    The primary objective of this paper is to approach the use of the 3D Geographic Information Systems (3D GIS), as an instrumental tool that allows us to deal efficiently with the extensive amount of information that characterises a large part of the research carried out in the field of Urbanism and Regional Planning. Specifically, the study focuses on medium-sized cities in Andalusia, the most populous and the second largest region in Spain. The Andalusian urban system is substantially characterised by the historical importance of this type of cities within its territorial organisation, which dates back to more than two thousand years, and whose potential as sustainable and balanced stands out. In particular, it is intended to address features related to urban characterisation as medium-sized cities that have been declared as heritage sites, as well as, the integration of the cultural heritage into urban development planning as an active strategy by the cultural administration of the regional and local governments. In detail, this paper will analyse data relating to the development experienced, their characterisation through urban indicators or the evolution and traceability of their protection. In this sense, the use of 3D GIS will not only allow the efficient recording and the graphical representation of a significant amount of data resulting from the quantitative and qualitative analysis carried out but also model them using the third dimension to facilitate a cross analysis among the cities under study. Definitely, the aim is to demonstrate the suitability use of this technology in this type of scientific research.Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Government of Spain HAR2016-79788-

    La construcción histórica de los paisajes de la dehesa

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    La dehesa es un sistema agrario, forestal y ganadero mediterráneo que se sustenta en un paisaje de notables valores patrimoniales. El conocimiento de las fases de su construcción histórica, con los distintos avatares por los que ha ido pasando en este devenir, es un aspecto básico para un mejor entendimiento de estos valores y para su protección. En este trabajo se presentan las grandes etapas históricas que han conformado la dehesa; por ello, se tratan de forma específica: el origen y papel de la dehesa durante el Antiguo Régimen; la evolución durante la Edad Moderna; la crisis que provoca la desamortización y la llegada de la Revolución Industrial; el impacto del desarrollismo y el inicio de la globalización durante buena parte de la segunda mitad del siglo XX; y los retos actuales desde los últimos año de ese siglo. El trabajo se cierra con consideraciones sobre las actuales amenas que se ciernen sobre la dehesa, precisamente cuando se está produciendo su revalorización socio-institucional.The dehesa is an agricultural, forestry and livestock Mediterranean system based on a landscape with remarkable heritage values. Knowledge of the phases of its historic building, with different the avatars that has had in this evolution, is a basic look for a better understanding of these values and their protection. This paper presents each of the historical stages which have shaped the dehesa; that is why they are treated in a specific way: the origin and role of the dehesa during the Ancien Régime; the evolution during the Modern Age; the crisis caused by the confiscation and the arrival of the Industrial Revolution; the impact of the desarrollismo and the onset of globalization in the second half of the 20th century; and current challenges since the last years of this century. The work closes with considerations on current threats hanging over the dehesa, just when its socioinstitutional appreciation is rising up